

The following organizations will be reviewed on Tuesday, November 12, 2024 during the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) Committee on Recognition November 2024 meeting. Third-party comment must be received in the CHEA office no later than September 27, 2024, and may be submitted by mail, fax, or email to:


Council for Higher Education Accreditation

One Dupont Circle, NW, Suite 510, Washington, DC 20036

Phone: 202-955-6126 • Fax: 202-915-0818 • Email:


Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant, Inc. (ARC-PA)
Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC)

The Committee on Recognition meeting is scheduled to take place in person at One Dupont Circle, NW. Please check the CHEA website for details about the agenda and attending the meeting.

CHEA recognition review includes an opportunity for parties independent of the accrediting organization under review to comment on whether the organization meets the CHEA recognition standards. Third-party comment may be either oral (at the meeting after first being received in writing within the identified time frame) or written and is limited to the accrediting organization’s efforts to meet the CHEA recognition standards. This may include commentary from many different sources, such as other accrediting organizations, institutions and programs, or professional or higher education associations. The comments will assist the CHEA Committee on Recognition as it considers the application for recognition. A list of the Committee on Recognition members is provided here.

CHEA staff will review any third-party comment to assess its applicability to the recognition review. Third-party comments are reviewed by the CHEA Committee on Recognition, as provided in the 2021 CHEA Standards and Procedures for Recognition (under which this accrediting organization is being reviewed).

4. CALL FOR THIRD-PARTY COMMENT (CHEA RESPONSIBILITIES). No fewer than 90 calendar days prior to the Committee meeting at which the accrediting organization will be under consideration for recognition, CHEA publishes a call for third-party comments. All comments must be received by CHEA no later than 45 calendar days prior to the Committee’s meeting.

Third-party comments must:

A.  be submitted in writing;
B.  include the name and affiliation of the individual(s) making the comment;
C.  be received by the announced deadline;
D.  be limited to items related to the accrediting organization’s adherence to the CHEA recognition standards; and
E.  indicate desire to provide an in-person comment(s) at the regular Committee meeting.

Accrediting organizations are provided the opportunity to review and respond to all third-party comments. All third-party comments and the accrediting organization’s responses are submitted to the Committee in advance of its meeting to render a recommendation.

When in-person comments are made, the accrediting organization is afforded the opportunity to respond to those comments during the meeting.


A.  publish on its website no fewer than 90 calendar days prior to the Committee meeting at which it will be under consideration for recognition (using the CHEA third-party comment statement) that the organization is engaged in the CHEA recognition process;* and
B.  provide CHEA evidence of compliance with this requirement.

*If an accrediting organization does not have a website, it must present evidence of how its engagement in the CHEA recognition process has been publicly shared with its communities of interest.

6.  ACCREDITING ORGANIZATION PUBLIC PRESENTATION TO THE COMMITTEE. The Committee holds a public session as part of its regular meeting for those accrediting organizations engaged in the CHEA recognition process. The accrediting organization is expected to participate in the public session. The accrediting organization will have the opportunity to make opening and closing comments, offer information in support of its application, and respond to the Committee’s questions. The public session is the final opportunity for the accrediting organization to provide information supporting its application for recognition to the Committee.

CHEA is to be notified of the names and titles of the individuals representing the accrediting organization no later than 30 calendar days prior to the meeting. The accrediting organization is usually represented by the executive officer of the accrediting unit and the chair of the decision-making body.

Following the public session, the Committee meets in closed session to discuss the accrediting organization’s written materials and responses provided in public session.

A transcript/recording of the public session is available upon request.

Posted: August 12, 2024