ARC-PA Fee Structure

As of October 1, 2024

Annual Accreditation Maintenance Fee

Billing/Invoice Date Fee1 Period Covered by
May 1, 2024 $23,000 07.01.24 – 06.30.25
May 1, 2025 $25,000 07.01.25 – 06.30.26
May 1, 2026 $28,000 07.01.26 – 06.30.27

A 10% late fee will be charged to programs that are 45 days delinquent in paying their annual accreditation fees.

Provisional Application Eligibility Fee (non-refundable) $2,000
Checks eligibility to enter the accreditation process.

Provisional Application Fee (non-refundable) $50,000
Agenda placement will occur once the provisional letter of intent and application fee have been received.

Agenda Change Fee $2,000
An agenda change fee will be assessed each time a request is made to be moved to a different agenda. This agenda change must be a request to be placed on a future agenda within 2 years from the originally scheduled agenda (as availability allows).

Distant Campus Application Fee $7,500 for each Distant Campus2 application

Interval Assessment Fee – $10,000 for each category below:

1. Provisional Monitoring (includes site visit expense)
2. Final Provisional (transition to continuing, includes site visit expense)
3. Probation Monitoring (includes site visit expense)
4. Focused Assessment Fee plus direct expenses associated with a site visit3 if required

Reconsideration / Appeals Fee
Reconsideration – $10,000
Appeal – $40,000 (In addition to other expenses as detailed in the Appeals Policy)

Non-sufficient Funds Fee (NSF) $35
A non-sufficient funds fee will be assessed for each returned check by the bank for insufficient funds.

1Once awarded Accreditation – Provisional, the program will be billed a prorated Annual Accreditation Maintenance Fee for the current year.
2A campus geographically separate from the main PA program at which didactic or preclinical instruction occurs for all or some of the students enrolled.
3A Focused Assessment may be conducted at any time to evaluate specific program/institution Standards compliance issue. Details about requirements for the focused visit are conveyed to the program in writing prior to the visit.