If an applicant program is working on instructional objectives. Does the ARC-PA have any suggestions?

The ARC-PA recognizes that writing instructional objectives that effectively guide student learning is no easy task. The ARC-PA has developed a guide that may be of help to applicant programs in developing syllabi and objectives, describing competencies, and writing syllabi. The document titled “Syllabi, Program Competencies, Learning Outcomes & Instructional Objectives, Standards 5th edition” is updated periodically and is available on the Entry Level Manuals and Guides page of this website.

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How do Institutions start a PA program and have it accredited?

Institutions investigating starting a PA program should review the Provisional Accreditation section of this website and contact the ARC-PA Accreditation Services for more information.

The ARC-PA accredits only qualified PA programs offered by or located within institutions chartered by and physically located within the United States and where students are geographically located within the United States for their education.

A single institution must be clearly identified as the sponsor of the program. Sponsoring institutions applying for provisional accreditation of a new PA program must be authorized under applicable law to provide a program of post-secondary education. They must be accredited by, and in good standing with, a recognized regional accrediting agency and must be authorized by that agency to confer upon graduates of the PA program a graduate degree.

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Can a program accept students prior to being accredited?

Programs pursing accreditation should not matriculate students until the program has been granted provisional accreditation. In addition, prior to achieving provisional accreditation, the program must agree to inform, in writing, everyone who requests information, applies, or plans to enroll that the program is not yet accredited and must convey the implications of non-accreditation to applicants.

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What roles do the four major national PA organizations play in the support of PAs?

Learn the unique roles that the four major national PA organizations play in the support of PAs from the beginning and throughout their careers by watching this video. Learn how they are enabling PAs to deliver high quality, accessible care to their patients.

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