Welcome to the Postgraduate Portal (ARC-PA Program Accreditation Management Portal)
While you are welcome to begin exploring and editing data once it launches, please hold questions that are not time-sensitive to one or more of the drop-in office hours help sessions on Zoom listed below. Time-sensitive issues and questions can always be emailed to portalfeedback@arc-pa.org.
Office hours will be during the following times (all times are Eastern time). Drop in as needed in preparation for submission of annual reports due on 4/30/25:
- 3/11/25 at 1-2 PM
- 3/14/25 at 10-11 AM
- 3/17/25 at 4-5 PM
- 3/19/25 at 12-1 PM
- 3/25/25 at 4-5 PM
- 3/31/25 at 2 – 3 PM
- 4/4/25 at 12-1 PM
- 4/7/25 at 1-2 PM
- 4/8/25 at 4-5 PM
- 4/14/25 at 11-12 PM
- 4/17/25 at 1-2 PM
- 4/22/25 at 3 -4 PM
- 4/25/25 at 10-11 AM
- 4/28/25 at 2-3 PM
- 4/30/25 at 12-5 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 826 0969 2985
Passcode: 666497